TIP! You will find the files of this section on Downloads/ Vocabulary, Grammar of this site.
Intermediate Grammar
Tip: Revise the Pre-intermediate level on our Pre-intermediate Grammar Corner
TENSESPresent continuous/Present simpleVisit http://www.inglestotal.com/present-simple-and-present-continuous-diferencias-y-ejercicios/ to read about the difference and do some exercises on these uses.
Another important point is to tell the difference between state verbs or activity verbs: Uses of the Present Perfect/Present perfect continuous and Past simple.Go to English page.com to review the difference between Present Perfect and Past simple.
For an explanation about the difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous visit: http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/presentperfectcontinuous.html Visit Cristina Cabal´s website to play a game with a classmate Uses of the future tensesLearn about the use and do some activities here:
The Future: will/be going to, by Cristina Teixeira
Or practise the use of future tenses below:
PRACTISING THE USE OF FUTURE TENSE, by maria elena sabadini
Find this and other future tense exercises in English Exercises .org Modal verbs1) There are some exercises on modal verbs on http://www.autoenglish.org/modalverbs.htm. Start doing the exercises on Can could, be able to.
2) Download a worksheet from http://www.autoenglish.org/modalverbs/gr.mustnt.pdf and do some exercises on don't have to / must 3) On the same page you will find some exercises and a video, mp3 lesson, an exercise online and a pdf lesson on must, have to, should and ought to. Or click below: Be ready for your English exam. Modals., by Edite Tentere
Find this and other modals exercises in English Exercises .org 4. Conditional sentences
For a full explanation on conditional sentences go to http://www.e-grammar.org/if-clauses/
Emphasizing is not compulsory. Look at some examples and do some activities:
http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-81542.php FIRST AND SECOND CONDITIONALS, by tagoreluz1
Find this and other conditionals exercises on English Exercises .org Third ConditionalMix and Match, fill in the gaps...Some activities on the third conditional on this website: http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/thirdconditional/menu.php
Nuria Ortiz's exercisePractise the third conditional clicking on the left. Get more practice on the third conditional on http://www.englishexercises.org/buscador/buscar.asp?nivel=any&age=0&contents=third+conditional&B1=Search
The Third Conditional, by Nuria Ortiz
Find this and other conditionals exercises on English Exercises .org Mixed Conditionals ExerciseDownload a pdf file with answers from autoenglish. org: http://www.autoenglish.org/gr.conmixed.pdf
QUANTIFIERSExplanation and activities on https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/english-grammar-reference/quantifiers
Find some more activities on them on www.english-grammar.at/online_exercises/quantifiers/quanitifiers-index.htm There´s also a whole unit with some activities on quantifierswhich includes a podcast right at he end of the lesson on BBC Learning English |
VERBSReview the irregular / regularverbsGo to Downloads Grammar to revise the irregular verbs in English singing a song and doing different activities.
Practise the pronunciation of -ed endings on englishmedialab
More practice on English Maven
In addition, watch the video with an explanation on regular verbs endings by Eng vid
Phrasal VerbsInternational School If you need to study a specific grammar point, you might find lots of videos made by native speakers explaining it on Youtube. You have some examples above for the search "Phrasal verbs". I really recommend Phrasal Verbs (Introduction) - Lesson 17 - English Grammar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLeNXRHBnpA To get more information on the use of separable and non-separable phrasal verbs, please visit International School Link www.internationalschoollink.com/phrasal-verbs-separable-and-non-separable/ Phrasal verbs (travel)Listening activities about this topic clicking on the picture below: source http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/
and an exercise on the same topic: http://a4esl.org/q/h/lb/pvtravel.html
3. look like, be like, likeLearn the difference on http://www.learn-english-online.org/Lesson42/Lesson42.htm or on bbc world service you can download their pdf file: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammarchallenge/pdfs/gc_21_like_quizzes.pdf
Click the picture above to do an exercise after reading the explanations. Do another activity on http://www.learn-english-today.com/lessons/lesson_contents/like_look-like%20ex.html REPORTED SPEECHLearn more about reported speech watching videos and doing some activities. http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=6814
PASSIVE VOICEPractise the passive voice filling in the gaps this text about maple syrup.
How Maple Syrup is Made?, by Tünde Harangozó
Find this and other passive voice exercises in English Exercises .org |